It’s a special process (server)

serviceThe use of special process servers to serve eviction notices

In most cases, the eviction process begins long before going to court. When a tenant defaults on a lease, fails to pay rent, or when a month-to-month tenancy needs to be terminated, the landlord must serve a “notice of termination” on the tenant.  This usually means placing the notice in the tenant’s hand.

Sometimes, getting the eviction notice served can be one of the hardest parts of the Illinois eviction process. Tenants who are at odds with their landlord or delinquent on rent are somehow able to find ingenious ways to be unavailable, away from home, or downright difficult to serve.  Worse yet, relations between the landlord and tenant can be so strained that a landlord may feel uncomfortable or even unsafe in serving the notice.

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What is the best time to serve a notice for nonpayment of rent?

A tenant is late with the monthly rent.  It is nearing the end of the month.  Should the landlord wait until the rent for the next month, which is due in just a few days, is also late before serving a notice for nonpayment of rent?  No way.  It is best to serve the notice sooner rather than later.  Why?

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